During the last few months (2024), I have had the privilege to study algae and orchids with Aurélie Grall who is botanist and curator of the BASBG herbarium, Herbaria Basel, University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, as well as with Edgar Dürrenberger, director Zentrales Kunstdepot Freiburg, and Dr. Silke Stoll, director, Museum Mensch und Natur, Freiburg. My work at the research institutions includes simple pencil drawings of algae and orchids on a standard A4 paper. With the help of a magnifying lens I study structures and forms of these marine plants and orchids. I am interested in growth-patterns and the morphology and how I can use these characteristics in my paintings. Furthermore, I am looking for the influence and role of women in the creation of these plant collections and its histories.
photos: Bernhard Strauss
Amphiroa orbigniana
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21cm
Claudea elegans
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21cm
Microcladia coulteri
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21cm
Rotalge Delesseria sinuosa
Zentrales Kunstdepot Freiburg
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21cm
Ophrys reinholdii Fleischm.
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21cm
o.T. ,
Zentrales Kunstdepot Freiburg
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Halarachnion ligulatum, Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
o.T. , Zentrales Kunstdepot Freiburg
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Halarachnion ligulatum,
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Halymenia dubyi,
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Claudea elegans
Herbarien Basel
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
Stone, Magalef
pencil on paper
29,7 x 21 cm
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